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The Value of Veterans

In this article our chairman Rupert Gather explores the value that supporting veterans after their service can bring to a company. If you want to turbo-charge your business in the post-COVID era whilst repaying the debt that we all owe, hire a veteran. You won’t regret it.

The UK, Business

A woman in front of London Skyscrapers

Why should I start a business post-graduation?

Starting your own business after your studies is one of the best times to do so and can also serve as a reliable route to citizenship. Find out more about how InvestUK can help make this route work for you.

Business, Immigration

The Powers of the Internet

In this article, we celebrate one of our nation’s greatest inventions, the world wide web, and our continued innovation in internet technologies since.

The UK, Company news

Extinction Rebellion: Just a load of hot air?

In this article, we take a look at whether Extinction Rebellion has achieved any tangible successes since its inception in 2018, and examine the steps the UK and InvestUK are taking to combat climate change.

The UK

5 British pounds rolled

The Sterling Area

Read InvestUK’s Executive Chairman Rupert Gather visionary thought leadership piece on why the creation of a sterling currency union would create a formidable force, and catapult Sterling to the global top table of Reserve currencies.

The UK, Business

Italian, Sweedish, British and American flags around balconies

Top 5 Countries for Citizenship

Looking to relocate? Discover the top 5 most competitive countries globally for second citizenship!

The UK, Immigration